• Ph.D. Entomology (Major: Apiculture. Minors: Insect Biochemistry and Economic Entomology). Cornell University 1959. Dissertation: “A Study of Natural and Induced Supersedure of the Queen Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.)”.
• B.S. Entomology. University of Florida 1955 (with Honors).
• Consulting: Legal, Industrial, Film, and Television Productions. 1966-present.
• University of California, Davis. 1962-1994. Professor of Entomology. Honey bee research, teaching University classes, administrative work, public service.
• Cornell University. 1959-62. Research Associate. Public Health Service Grant,”Bioactive Secretions of the Honey Bee”.
• U.S. Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin. Summer, 1959. Research,honey bee breeding.
• Cornell University. 1955-59. Graduate Research Assistant. Research, teaching, lab and field research on honey bees.
• New York Department of Agriculture. Summer, 1955. Deputy Apiary Inspector. Survey and control of diseases of bees.
• A to Z Pest Control Agency. Ocala, Florida. Summer, 1954. Extermination of pests.
• Commercial beekeeping. Ocala, Florida. 1952-1955. Production, processing, marketing of honey.
• Over 65 years of diverse experiences with honey bees, including hobby and commercial beekeeping, research, teaching, and consulting for television and film industry. Specialize in research on the behavior of honey bees, especially the underlying causes and mechanisms.
• Author and co-author of over 110 publications on bees, including scientific papers, 5 book chapters, trade journal articles, 1 book.
• Consultant and expert witness for litigation involving bees and other insects.
• Consultant for honey bee and insect entertainment, displays, and fairs.
• Consultant for federal research projects that involve bees.
• First to document reproductive behavior of honey bees on film. Discovered queen bee sex attractant pheromones.
• Invented a magnetic retrieval capture/recapture system for studying the foraging activities of bees, e.g., documenting the distribution and flight range in the field.
• 30 years of studies concerning honey bee pollination of agricultural crops.
• Patented a device and method to remove queen bees from hives.
• Lead research team on 4-year project to determine effects of microwaves on honey bees to determine environmental risks of microwaves from solar power satellites in space.
• Developed devices and methodology for quantitatively evaluating intra-colony mortality of honey bees caused by pesticides, diseases, and other factors.
• Developed concept and conducted research on the use of microencapsulation of materials to expedite ingestion of nutrients and medications by bees.
• Proposed concept and developed a method for enriching carbon dioxide with oxygen for narcotizing queen bees to facilitate instrumental insemination.
• Developed numerous methodologies and devices, especially vacuum devices, for handling, tagging, counting, confining, tracing, and otherwise manipulating bees for laboratory and field research.
• Taught beekeeping and entomology courses at U.C. Davis from 1962 to 1994.
• Developed and taught first insect behavior course at U.C. Davis.
• Developed and taught graduate course on use of television for research and teaching.
• Supervised advanced degree programs for graduate students in Entomology and Animal Behavior Graduate Group, 1962-94.
• American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).
• American Federation of Musicians (AFM Local #12)
• American Registry of Professional Entomologists.
• Animal Behavior Society (inactive).
• Entomological Society of America.
• International Bee Research Association.
• International Union for the Study of Social Insects
• Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
• Sigma Xi (an honorary Scientific Research Society).
• Western Apicultural Society.
Bachelor of Science with Honors at University of Florida (1955).
• Received J.I. Hambleton Award for outstanding research achievements (1974).
• Centennial distinguished lecturer at Washington State University (1989).
• Outstanding Service to Beekeeping Award for 1990. Sponsored by the Western Apicultural Society.
• Photo (selected from 115,000 entries) featured in color photo book “A Day in the Life of California” (1988). Collins Publishing.
• Received Latham Foundation Award for contributing to the production of several honey bee films which won national and international awards at film festivals (1973).
• Member of international commission, selected by National Academy of Science, to survey Brazil to evaluate the potential threat of Africanized Bees to the U.S. (1971).
• Received numerous research grants from National Science Foundation, National Institute of Public Health, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, various industry groups, and institutional grants.
• Organized the Western Apicultural Society (1977). Served as President (1977-78) and member of Board of Directors (1977-80).
• Editor of the Western Apicultural Society Proceedings (1985-92).
• Associate Editor and Reviewer of Bee Science (1990-94).
• Associate Editor of Space Solar Power Review (1979-88).
• Associate Editor of Bee World (1974-87).
• Board of Reviewing Editors, Journal of Economic Entomology (1992-94).
• President, International Union for the Study of Social Insects (1968).
• Functioned as photographer, co-director, consultant, actor, and/or talk show guest, during the production of numerous documentary and entertainment films and TV shows involving honey bees (see Filmography)
• Featured performer at Knott’s Berry Farm 15th Annual County Fair (April 11-18, 1992).
• Featured performer annually (7 years) at Wine & Honey Festival, Livermore, California.
• Numerous lectures and speaking engagements for service clubs and institutions..
• More than 200 newspaper and TV interviews on bee topics of contemporary interest..
• President, Sunset Villas Homeowners Association (1984-88).
• President, Sycamore North Commons Homeowners Association (1990-91)
• President, Edgewood Homeowners Association (2007-8)
• Exhibit consultant and participant, Davis Science Center and numerous county fairs.